This guide addresses questions about the new role of evaluation in USAID and outlines key steps operating units should follow in planning and conducting evaluations.
- What Is Evaluation?
- How Is Evaluation Different From Performance Monitoring?
- Why Is Evaluation Important?
- BOX 1: Evaluation Purposes
- What's New About Evaluation?
- Conducting more strategic evaluations
- Using more collaborative and participatory evaluation processes
- Emphasis on using rapid appraisal technique
- Key Steps in Planning And Conducting an Evaluation
- BOX 2: Use Rapid Appraisal Options When . . .
- Decide if and when to evaluate.
- Plan the evaluation.
- Hold a team planning workshop.
- Conduct data collection and analysis.
- BOX 3: Some Practical Tips for Conducting Fieldwork
- BOX 4: Tips for Writing an Effective Report
- Communicate evaluation results
- BOX 5: Analogies from Different Disciplines
- Review and use evaluation results.
- Submit evaluation reports to CDIE.
- BOX 6: Tips for an Effective Briefing
- BOX 7: How to Submit Evaluation Documents to CDI
USAID Center for Development Information and Evaluation (1997) The Role of Evaluation in USAID, Performance Monitoring and Evaluation TIPS, Washington DC, USAID. Retrieved from