Smart and Ethical Principles and Practices for Public Interest Lobbying

This report from the Center for Lobbying in the Public Interest (CLPI) (archived link) outlines four key principles that aim to ensure an ethical and strategic approach to lobbying by non-profit organisations.

The four principles, which are outlined below, include smart practices that should be used in the conduct of all those undertaking lobbying.

The four principles:

  • Public interest lobbying adds civic value to the community today and in the future.
  • Public interest lobbying is inclusive and expansive, engaging the community and particularly those most affected by the public policy being advocated.
  • Public interest lobbying is credible, trustworthy, and fact based.
  • High-quality public interest lobbying is multi-faceted and adaptive.


Gulati-Partee, G., Love, T., & Ottinger, L. Center for Lobbying in the Public Interest (CLPI), (2008). Smart and ethical principles and practices for public interest lobbying. Retrieved from website: