Social network analysis guide

The guide provides an overview of Social Network Analysis, an example of maps that can be developed from this type of analysis and key focus questions for SNA.

SNA is defined as a process of learning about and understanding the (formal and informal) networks that operate in a given field. The guide makes a key point that SNA can draw on a range of options including ethnography, participant observation, key informant interviews, semi-structured interviews, surveys, ‘snowball’ sampling, focus groups, and content analysis of the media. The guide also provides details of software that can be used to analyse the data and plot the SNA maps.

The SNA resource can be found on page 7 of the Making a difference: M&E of policy research working paper from ODI.


Hovland, I. (2007). Making a difference: M&E of policy research, ODI Working Paper 281. London: Overseas Development Institute.