This forum discussion from Ranjani.K.Murthy on the Gender and Evaluation website, analyses some of the difficulties and constraints that evaluators face in ensuring the participation of marginalised communities, women and sexual minorities in evaluations.
The responses to the forum topic are focused on four main questions:
- Who are the stakeholders in evaluation?
- What are the constraints in participation of marginalized communities, and women and sexual minorities amongst them in evaluations?
- What are the constraints faced by implementing agencies in participation in evaluation? In particular by women staff?
- Would you have any experience to share on overcoming the constraints faced by marginalized women and sexual minorities and women staff in evaluation?
The discussion attracted a significant amount of responses to these questions where people used their relative experience and examples in order to outline responses to the above questions.
Murthy, R. K. (2013, February 16). Stakeholder Participation In Evaluation. Retrieved from