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"This statement of the American Evaluation Association (AEA) affirms the significance of cultural competence in evaluation. It also informs the public of AEA’s expectations concerning cultural competence in the conduct of evaluation."
"Cultural competence in evaluation theory and practice is critical for the profession and for the greater good of society. This position is consistent with the AEA Guiding Principle that states:
"To ensure recognition, accurate interpretation, and respect for diversity, evaluators should ensure that the members of the evaluation team collectively demonstrate cultural competence."
Cultural competence is a stance taken toward culture, not a discrete status or simple mastery of particular knowledge and skills."
AEA (2011). Statement on Cultural Competence. American Evaluation Association. p 1
- The Role of Culture and Cultural Competence in Quality Evaluation.
- Why Cultural Competence in Evaluation Is Important.
- Essential Practices for Cultural Competence.
American Evaluation Association (AEA). (2011). American Evaluation Association Public Statement on Cultural Competence in Evaluation. Fairhaven, MA: Author. Accessed on 21 July, 2011 Retrieved from
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