This article by Total Success, a UK business training organisation, gives detailed and practical advice about successfully conducting professional looking co-presentations. It goes into detail about the benefits of co-presentations, as well as how to set up good communication practices between presenters and to feed off each other to make sure presentations progress smoothly. It also discusses the merits of five different forms of co-presentations: 1. Tag-team 2. Speak-and-comment 3. Speak-and-chart 4. Perform-and-comment 5. Duet.
"Co-presenting improves almost all presentations in several ways. It adds to the energy. It lets each presenter to come to the other’s rescue when necessary.
Solo presenters manage many tasks at the same time — monitoring audience reaction, preparing visuals, keeping track of content, managing time. Because co-presenters share these tasks, they conserve personal energy. Neither person is “on” all the time. While one speaks, the other can perform important presentation functions such as assessing the audience or planning modifications.
Co-presenters can also rescue one another. Presenters feel that one of their biggest fears is going blank in the middle of a presentation. But when one co-presenter goes blank or gets off track, the partner can come in with needed support."
LTConsulting (2011, September). 'Co-Presenting Tips and Techniques' in Total Success: A different type of training [Website]. Retrieved from:
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