This web page from Learn Higher provides links to a variety of resources on Image-based research. The resources include papers that focus on the theory of using images for research through projects that specifically focus on using this method. There are also links to software that can be used to support the analysis of images for research purposes.
- About Image-based Research (archived link)
- Building Capacity in Visual Methods (archived link)
- Digital Video as Research Practice: Methodology for the Millennium
- Social Research Update Issue 11: Marcus Banks ‘Visual Research Methods’
- Social Research Update Issue 40: Rosalind Hurworth ‘Photo-interviewing for research’
- Visual Studies
- Among print resources, standard texts include:
Banks, M.Visual methods in social research. London: Sage, 2001
Prosser, J. (ed) Image-based research:A sourcebook for qualitative researchers. London: Falmer 1998
Rose, G. Visual methodologies. London: Sage, 2001)
Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software
Examples of visually oriented research projects
- The Teaching Landscape in Creative Arts Subjects
- David Gauntlett’s ArtLab website (University of Westminster) includes examples of "creative and artistic activities as research tools to gain insights into people's identities and their relationships with media culture” and articles such as 'Creative and visual methods for exploring identities'You can see several short videos on YouTube demonstrating his approach - for instance
- Barbara Zamorski ‘Research-led Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: a Case study’ Teaching in Higher Education, Vol. 7, No. 4, 2002 “12 undergraduate researchers were ... asked to carry out a set of small-scale qualitative research tasks’. [These included] using a digital camera to capture 12 ‘images of research’ at the University and provide a written commentary to accompany the images.”
- Qualitative Inquiry (journal) - see eg special issue August 1 2003, Volume 9, No. 4 on the Arts and Narrative Research
LearnHigher (2007), Visual Research Methods, University of Brighton Centre for Learning & Teaching. Retrieved from: