Webinar: Challenges that Complexity Poses for Monitoring and Evaluation and Systemic Thinking as a Means to Cope

This webinar by Ricardo Wilson-Grau for the Systems and Peace: Emerging Frontiers Webinar Series, explores the strengths and weaknesses of how Wilson-Grau broaches the subject of complexity and systems thinking with clients who engage him to support them in developing monitoring (or M&E) mechanisms or to evaluate their work.


Presentation: 30 minutes explanation of:

  • Challenges of complexity (only 3)
  • Potential systems thinking insights for managing complexity (also only 3)

Questions and Answers: 30 minutes


Wilson-Grau, R. (2015, April). 'Challenges that Complexity Poses for Monitoring and Evaluation and Systemic Thinking as a Means to Cope' [Webinar]. Systems and Peace: Emerging Frontiers Webinar Series.  Retrieved  from: https://hsdinstitute.adobeconnect.com/_a1079188209/p17na0yxtn6/?launcher=false&fcsContent=true&pbMode=normal