Women and Coping Strategies for Adaptation to Climate Change

This study aims to enhance the role of rural woman facing the negative impacts of climate change through benefiting from their local knowledge and gained experiences in areas of rainy mountains and heights in Yemen.

Furthermore, it analyses the knowledge of these women in the management and maintenance of bio-agricultural diversity as well as knowing how to benefit from varied harvest and the benefit of local crops, vegetables, grazing plants, trees, small trees in order to meet requirements of food, health, living of the population and to continue their activity and maintenance of the agricultural and the environment there by mitigating the potential damages of climate changes.


  • Methodology for study
  • Bio-agricultural diversity and agricultural local knowledge and its importance in Yemen
  • What has been done in Yemen to preserve agricultural local knowledge and experiences and genetic resources and the gap to be bridged or adjusted in this regards
  • Some current activities of Yemeni universities and governmental and nongovernmental research centers and NGOs in the area of genetic resources and biodiversity
  • Reference study on what has been done in Yemen concerning gender and bioagricultural diversity
  • Determining Areas of Explorative Studies
  • Mechanism of conducting workshops
  • Study outputs


AlHakimi , A., & AbdulKarim Yani , A. World Bank, (n.d.). Women and coping strategies for adaptation to climate change using agrobiodiversity resources in the rainfed highlands of Yemen . Retrieved from website: http://www-wds.worldbank.org/external/default/WDSContentServer/WDSP/IB/2010/09/01/000350881_20100901142057/Rendered/PDF/5641000WP0Box31finel0wb1Translation.pdf