Writing Web Logs

This paper from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) provides advice and tips on writing blogs in order to get a clear and concise message across.

"Blogs are websites. Typically, they are written, edited, and maintained by individuals acting in their own capacity, as subject matter specialists, or on behalf of organizations. (Some are written by multiple contributors after editor approval.) They share common features with journals: they are published on a regular basis, e.g., daily, weekly, or monthly; they have subscription mechanisms; and they undergo review. Elsewhere, they differ substantially too: unlike journals, blogs can evolve in a matter of seconds—authors have the means to respond to reader comments and update entries as required; while journals are typically produced by scientific or academic communities, blogs do not have clear-cut parameters; also there are no set criteria for writing blogs as they are considered a vehicle for personal expression. (Increasingly, however, they are also being used to break, shape, and spin news stories.)" (Lu & Serrat , 2009)


  • Background
  • Definition
  • Features
  • Writing a blog
  • Further reading


Lu, N., & Serrat , O. Asian Development Bank, (2009). Writing web logs (March 2009 | 35). Retrieved from website: http://www.adb.org/sites/default/files/pub/2009/writing-weblogs.pdf