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A study on the status of national evaluation policies and systems in the Asia Pacific region
This study documents the progress of countries in the Asia-Pacific region in developing National Evaluation Policies and Systems (NEPS). Survey questions that were used as part of the assessment are included in the appendix.Gender responsiveness diagnostic of national monitoring and evaluation systems – methodological reflections
This article reports on a diagnostic study carried out to understand the gender responsiveness of the national monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems of Benin, South Africa and Uganda.Evaluation capacity development: A diagnostic guide and action framework
This guide is intended to help governments and development agencies develop a national or sectoral evaluation system by providing a detailed checklist of issues to consider for building a country's evaluation capacity.An African approach for gauging the gender effectiveness of national M&E systems: An IDEV article
This 12-page Twende Mbele paper presents the findings from a diagnostic study used to determine the gender responsiveness of national monitoring and evaluation systems in Benin, South Africa and Uganda.World Food Program (WFP) evaluation capacity development strategy (2020-2024)
This Evaluation Capacity Development Strategy sets out WFP's approach to developing staff evaluation skills and capacity, addressing gaps between current WFP evaluation capacities and those required to achieve the organisation's objectives.Diagnostic tool for a monitoring and evaluation systems analysis (MESA) - Guidance Note
The MESA is a diagnostic tool created by the Global Evaluation Initiative that guides country stakeholders in gathering, structuring and analyzing information on the current capacity of their country's M&E ecosystem.CARICOM results-based management collaboration: CXC's Monitoring and evaluation system analysis (MESA)
This report presents the findings from the monitoring and evaluation system analysis (MESA) for the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC), providing information on the existing strengths and opportunities to develop a sustainable RBM System.Localization analysis framework
This resource from Global Affairs Canada (GAC) presents a "localization analysis framework" as an evaluation tool to measure a program’s alignment with a locally-led development approach and to identify key relevant barriers and enablers.Capacity development in evaluation and communication: Prompts for facilitators
Through this primer, the authors tell the story of how their mentoring in evaluation and communication with selected groups across Latin America, Asia, and Africa unfolded over a four-year time frame (2018-2021).Evaluation and communication decision-making: A practitioner's guide
Designed for evaluators, communication planners, and project implementers interested in capacity development, this primer combines utilization-focused evaluation (UFE) design with communication planning.