
  • Communicating evaluation findings

  • Rapid evaluation

    Eleanor Williams is the Director of the Centre for Evaluation and Research Evidence at the Victorian Department of Health. In this role, she leads the department's evaluation and research strategy. 
  • Tips on producing institutional histories

    Brief Summary: The main objective of an institutional history is to help scientists and their organizations learn, so it is important that they actively engage in the process.
  • Assessing the impact of research on policy

    The authors of this review analyse various evaluation methods (including ethnographic and quantitative approaches, focus groups, process tracing, and network mapping and analysis) to find out which ones are the most suitable to evaluate the
  • Rapid evaluation

    Rapid Evaluation is an approach designed to quickly and systematically conduct an evaluation when time or resources are limited.
  • Week 46: Rumination #2: Confusing empathy with bias

    Researchers and evaluators are admonished to stay rational and independent.
  • Why do we need more real-time evaluation?

    We’re currently going through a global period of rapid change and adaption, due in large part to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on our lives and work.