
  • Discussion Paper: Innovations in Monitoring and Evaluation

    This discussion paper produced by the United Nations Development Programme discusses various innovations that are occurring in M&E, and the advantages and disadvantages of these methods.
  • Week 8: Guest blog: Innovation in development evaluation

    Development aid is changing rapidly – so must development evaluation.
  • Toonlet

    This web-based application makes it possible to draw cartoons, by creating characters and then placing them into the panels of a cartoon with appropriate text.
  • Practical considerations for leading and working on a mixed methods project

    This toolkit from Realities aims to support staff who lead or work on mixed options research projects to prepare for, design and carry out their projects.
  • Photolanguage

    Produced by the Change Agency, this resource gives a brief overview of the history, use and application of the photolanguage technique.
  • Cartoons

    Cartoon images can be used by evaluators to an understanding of program impact, scenes of program implementation, main findings or issues.
  • Introduction to mixed methods in impact evaluation

    This guide, written by Michael Bamberger for InterAction outlines the elements of a mixed methods approach with particular reference to how it can be used in an impact evaluation.