
  • Week 29: Evaluation design and unintended consequences or, from firefighting to systematic action

    This week’s blog is from Jonny Morell, editor of Evaluation and Program Planning and author of
  • The River Chart

    Developed by Geoff Parcell and Chris Collison in their book No More Consultants: We Know More Than We Think, “The River Diagram” is a useful tool designed for visualising the results of self-assessment and peer-learning data from multi
  • Negative programme theory

    Most programme theories, logic models and theories of change show how an intervention is expected to contribute to positive impacts; Negative programme theory, a technique developed by Carol Weiss, shows how it might produce negative impact
  • A relevância da avaliação para o investimento social privado

    Este livro sintetiza o conjunto de reflexões produzidas no Seminário Internacional “A Relevância da Avaliação para o Investimento Social Privado”, realizado em 4 de julho de 2012, em São Paulo, pela Fundação Itaú Social e pela Fundação Robe