
  • Doing Q Methodological Research

    This book is a simple yet thorough introduction to Q methodology, a research technique designed to capture the subjective or first-person viewpoints of its participants.
  • Q methodology website

    This website contains information about Q methodology, links to resources, conferences, and a mailing list.
  • Toonlet

    This web-based application makes it possible to draw cartoons, by creating characters and then placing them into the panels of a cartoon with appropriate text.
  • Cartoons

    Cartoon images can be used by evaluators to an understanding of program impact, scenes of program implementation, main findings or issues.
  • A relevância da avaliação para o investimento social privado

    Este livro sintetiza o conjunto de reflexões produzidas no Seminário Internacional “A Relevância da Avaliação para o Investimento Social Privado”, realizado em 4 de julho de 2012, em São Paulo, pela Fundação Itaú Social e pela Fundação Robe