
  • Closing feedback loops: From engaged citizens to more responsive governments

    This webpage from The World Bank Institute looks at the impact of citizen engagement on development outcomes.
  • Using feedback effectively in peacebuilding contexts

    This blogpost, written by E Duncan for DME for Peace, looks at the use of feedback in Peacebuilding contexts.
  • Measuring empowerment? Ask them: Quantifying qualitative outcomes from people’s own analysis

    This paper, written by Dee Jupp and Sohel Ibn Ali with contribution from  Carlos Barahona for Sida, uses the experiences of a social movement in Bangladesh to demonstrate how empowerment can be measured by those who are being
  • Closing the citizen feedback loop

    This article, written by Dennis Whittle and David Bonbright for Keystone Accountability, argues that collecting and responding to feedback is essential as it is not only the right thing to do but it is also the smart thing to do.
  • Feedback Labs

    Feedback Labs is a collaboration of like-minded organisations who aim to make governments, NGOs and donors more responsive to the needs of their constituents.
  • Fishbone diagram (cause and effect diagram)

    This short guide describes the process of using a fishbone diagram to help uncover and visualise stakeholder perceptions of the root causes of a problem. It is often used in conjunction with the 'Five Whys' technique.
  • Constituent voice: Technical note 1

    This paper from Keystone Accountability provides detailed guidance in the use of Constituent Voice, which is a methodology aimed at cultivating a voice of constituents of an organisation.
  • Creating the missing feedback loop

    This article, written by Alex Jacobs for the IDS Bulletin describes how agricultural development organisations can create feedback systems that allow them to hear from the beneficiaries of their work.
  • The Five Whys Technique

    This paper from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) outlines the process of using the Five Whys technique as an effective approach to problem solving.
  • Week 50: Feedback loops – new buzzword, old practice?

    Recently, I had the good fortune to start collaboration with The MasterCard Foundation, which is strongly committed to what it calls ‘listening deeply and elevating voices’.
  • Positioning participation on the power spectrum

    In the second blog in the 4-part series about participation in evaluation, Irene Guijt and Leslie Groves focus on making power relationships and values in 'participatory' evaluation processes explicit to avoid tokenistic part
  • Five Whys

    The Five Whys is an easy question asking option that examines the cause-and-effect relationships that underly problems.
  • Feedback mechanisms in international assistance organizations

    This CDA Collaborative Learning Projects paper outlines research conducted with international development organisations on the use of recipient/primary stakeholder feedback in humanitarian aid projects and programs.