
  • Five misunderstandings about case-study research

    This article, written by Bent Flyvbjerg (Aalborg University, Denmark) examines five common misunderstandings about case-study research.
  • Principles-focused evaluation the GUIDE

    How can programs and organizations ensure they are adhering to core principles—and assess whether doing so is yielding desired results?
  • Assessing the impact of research on policy

    The authors of this review analyse various evaluation methods (including ethnographic and quantitative approaches, focus groups, process tracing, and network mapping and analysis) to find out which ones are the most suitable to evaluate the
  • Qualitative research & evaluation methods: Integrating theory and practice

    The fourth edition of Michael Quinn Patton's Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods Integrating Theory and Practice, published by Sage Publications, analyses and provides clear guidance and advice for usi
  • Best practices compendium on outcome budgeting

    This resource from the Development Monitoring and Evaluation Office, Government of India, is designed to assist government entities in shifting from input and output-focused budgeting to an outcomes-oriented approach.