
  • Dr. Richard Kreuger on qualitative listening

    In this interview in The Listening Resource blog (August 29th, 2013), Susan Eliot talks to Dr.
  • Knight lab - storytelling tools

    This suite of tools is useful for creating highly interactive, beautiful representations of data.
  • Transcribe

    Transcribe is a very useful tool if you need to transcribe a small amount of data and don't have access to some of the more professional, downloadable transcription software packages.
  • A guide for designing and conducting in-depth interviews for evaluation input

    This short guide defines in-depth interviews, explains their advantages and disadvantages and the steps involved in their application. 
  • Week 34: Alternatives to transcribing interviews

    Being able to compare alternatives is essential when designing an evaluation.
  • Institutional history

    An institutional history (IH) is a narrative that records key points about how institutional arrangements – new ways of working – have evolved over time and have created and contributed to more effective ways to achieve project or programme
  • Como elaborar modelo lógico:roteiro para formular programas e organizar avaliação

    Este documento apresenta uma descrição do modelo logico, sua aplicabilidade, e como desenvolver um modelo logico com a finalidade de aperfeiçoar programas e projetos.
  • Interviewing

    This guide, written by Bronwen McDonald and Patricia Rogers for UNICEF, looks at interviews, with a particular focus on their use in impact evaluation.
  • Ushahidi

    Ushahidi is an open-source mapping and crowdsourcing tool that can be used by organizations to collect, manage and analyse crowdsourced info.