
  • Community of Practice design guide

    Written by Darren Cambridge and Vicki Suter for the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI), this guide provides practical steps and advice for the creation of Communities of Practice (CoPs).
  • Principles-focused evaluation the GUIDE

    How can programs and organizations ensure they are adhering to core principles—and assess whether doing so is yielding desired results?
  • Logframe

    Logframes are a systematic, visual approach to designing, executing and assessing projects which encourages users to consider the relationships between available resources, planned activities, and desired changes or results.
  • The EvaluateIT resource kit

    This online resource kit simplifies the task of evaluating community-based information technology (IT) projects such as community websites, online interest groups, and internet training programs.
  • A summary of the theory behind the LFA method

    This paper from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) has been designed to support staff in implementing the logical framework approach in project planning and design.