Frequency tables

A frequency table provides collected data values arranged in ascending order of magnitude, along with their corresponding frequencies.

One of the first steps in analysing data is to construct a frequency distribution table. Frequency is the number of times a data value occurs; for example, if four students have a score of 80 in mathematics, the score of 80 is said to have a frequency of 4. A frequency distribution table makes it easier to understand a data set and allows for its graphical representation.


Price, J., & Chamberlayne, D. W. (2008). Descriptive and multivariate statistics. In S. L. Gwinn, C. Bruce, J. P. Cooper & S. Hick (Eds.), Exploring Crime Analysis Readings on Essential Skills (2nd ed., pp. 179-183). Retrieved from

Rehill, G. S. (2012). Frequency and Frequency tables. Year 8 Interactive Maths. In: Interactive Maths Series Software.

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