
  • Making wise decisions: A step-by-step guide to selecting the right data system

    Making Wise Decisions is a toolkit to help your small or mid-sized organization better manage your data. This resource and the following information was contributed by Sam Adams
  • Preparing For GDPR / What's next with GDPR?

    Organised by DevResults in partnership with Sonjara and SurveyCTO, this recorded panel discussion took place on May 23rd, 2018, two days before the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect.
  • GDPR: Tips and tools

    This toolkit gathers together some useful resources that organisations can use to help guide their data protection practices.
  • What is a LogFrame?

    American University's resource What is a LogFrame, written by Kirsten Bording Collins, gives a concise overview of LogFrames. It covers LogFrame structures, tips for developing LogFrames, and strengths and weaknesses of LogFrames.
  • Adapting evaluation in the time of COVID-19 – Part 4: Describe

    We’re continuing our series, sharing ideas and resources on ways of ensuring that evaluation adequately responds to the new challenges during the pandemic.
  • Guidance on using the revised logical framework

    This guide from the UK Department of International Development (DFID) aims to help project managers/evaluators make the best use of logical framework (logframe) in designing and managing projects.
  • Developmental evaluation

    This webpage from Tamarack Community provides links to audio files of an interview between Mark Cabaj and Michael Patton in which they discuss the topic of development evaluation.
  • Developmental evaluation: Applying complexity concepts to enhance innovation & use

    In this book, Michael Quinn Patton describes the process of conducting developmental evaluations for ongoing program development.
  • Logframe

    Logframes are a systematic, visual approach to designing, executing and assessing projects which encourages users to consider the relationships between available resources, planned activities, and desired changes or results.
  • Critical study of the logical framework approach in the Basque Country

    This document describes how the logical framework is used by public entities in the Basque region of Spain, its evolution, and its relationship with other approaches and tools.
  • A summary of the theory behind the LFA method

    This paper from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) has been designed to support staff in implementing the logical framework approach in project planning and design.