
  • What are some processes that can be used to get agreement on the Key Evaluation Questions?

    The material from BetterEvaluation comes from a combination of curating existing material and co-creating new material.  This blog is part of an ongoing series about material that we have co-created with BetterEvaluation users.
  • Working with lived and living experience researchers: A practical framework

    This blog provides guidance and examples on co-evaluating with lived and living experience (LLE) researchers.
  • Toonlet

    This web-based application makes it possible to draw cartoons, by creating characters and then placing them into the panels of a cartoon with appropriate text.
  • Photolanguage

    Produced by the Change Agency, this resource gives a brief overview of the history, use and application of the photolanguage technique.
  • Cartoons

    Cartoon images can be used by evaluators to an understanding of program impact, scenes of program implementation, main findings or issues.