
  • Participatory video and the most significant change. A guide for facilitators

    The toolkit is designed to support you in planning and carrying out evaluations using participatory video (PV) with the most significant change (MSC) technique, or PVMSC for short.
  • Strategy development: Most significant change (MSC)

    This guide to the Most Significant Change approach, by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), provides an overview, a detailed description of the process, and an example of the technique in action.
  • Realist Evaluation Workshop

    The focus of this one-day workshop was to build practical skills to conduct a realist evaluation for international development projects and programmes. The rapidly changing context of development assistance in recent years combined wit
  • International advocacy evaluation community of practice's webinar

    In this webinar from the International Advocacy Evaluation Community of Practice demonstrates how Most Significant Change and Participatory Video were used to e
  • Rapid evaluation

    Eleanor Williams is the Director of the Centre for Evaluation and Research Evidence at the Victorian Department of Health. In this role, she leads the department's evaluation and research strategy. 
  • Week 49: The 1st international conference on realist approaches to evaluation: my ‘realist’ take-aways

    In this blog, Tiina shares her top three realist ‘take-aways’ from the 1st International Conference on Realist Approaches to Evaluation and reflects on when or how realist evaluation may be most useful.
  • 2017 International realist conference

    We've got our head in realism this week, partly because early-bird registrations for the 2017 International Realist Conference close soon, and partly because we've been shown Chris Lysy's realist cartoon series (commissioned by the Rameses
  • Evidence-based policy: A realist perspective

    This book, written by Ray Pawson, provides a critique of the meta-analytic approach and argues that the realist synthesis is a better way of understanding program theory, therefore enabling properly targeted policies to address the con
  • Realist evaluation introductory resources

    This website, from e-MOPs, provides an introduction to Realist Evaluation and includes links to a range of resources, including academic papers, video introductions, online community resources and case studies.
  • Rapid evaluation

    Rapid Evaluation is an approach designed to quickly and systematically conduct an evaluation when time or resources are limited.
  • Using Most Significant Change to measure impact

    Evaluators often struggle to measure impact in cases where using an experimental design is not feasible.
  • Most significant change: Learning to learn

    This webpage from the South Australian Government's Learning to Learn (L2L) program offers an overview of the study and practice of the Most Significant Change (MSC) approach.
  • The most significant change technique

    This paper from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) outlines the process for using Most Significant Change in evaluation. It provides a step by step process that can be followed to ensure its effective implementation.
  • Most significant change

    The Most Significant Change (MSC) approach involves generating and analysing personal accounts of change and deciding which is the most significant – and why.
  • Realist evaluation

    Realist evaluation aims to identify the underlying generative causal mechanisms that explain how outcomes were caused and how context influences these.
  • Realist evaluation

    An approach especially to impact evaluation which examines what works for whom in what circumstances through what causal mechanisms, including changes in the reasoning and resources of participants.
  • Why do we need more real-time evaluation?

    We’re currently going through a global period of rapid change and adaption, due in large part to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on our lives and work.
  • Realist impact evaluation: An introduction

    Realist impact evaluation is an approach to impact evaluation that emphasises the importance of context for programme outcomes.
  • Discussion note: Complexity aware monitoring

    USAID’s Office of Learning, Evaluation and Research (LER) has produced a Discussion Note: Complexity-Aware Monitoring, intended for those seeking cutting-edge solutions to monitoring complex aspects of strategies and projects.  
  • Introduction: Contribution, causality, context, and contingency when evaluating inclusive business programmes

    This IDS Bulletin discusses approaches and methods for meaningful impact evaluation, building on real-world experiences with theory-based evaluation in inclusive business programmes.
  • The 'Most Significant Change' technique - A guide to its use

    Essential reading for anyone seeking to use the 'Most Significant Change' (MSC) technique.
  • Técnica del “Cambio Más Significante” (MSC, por sus siglas en inglés) - Guía para su uso

    La técnica del cambio más significante (MSC, por sus siglas en inglés) es una forma de monitoreo y evaluación participativa.
  • モスト・シグニフィカント・チェンジ (MSC)手法

    モスト・シグニフィカント・チェンジ(MSC)手法は、参加型モニタリング・評価手法の一つである。 記録すべき変化の決定やデータ分析の過程に、多くの利害関係者(ステーク ホルダー)が関与することから、参加型と言える。また、プログラム・サイクルの全工程 で実施され、プログラムを実施管理するうえで有効な情報を提供することから、モニタリ ング手法と言える。さらに、プログラム全体の業績を評価するうえで有用であり、インパ クトや効果に関する情報を提供してくれる。
  • Realistic evaluation bloodlines

    This article, written by Ray Pawson and Nick Tilley analyses six different social science inquiries from around the globe that use a variety of methods and strategies in order to draw conclusions about realistic evaluations.
  • Making rigorous causal claims in a real-life context: Has research contributed to sustainable forest management?

    This article discusses an impact evaluation that examined the contribution of two forestry research centres - the Centre for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) and the Centre de Coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour
  • Causal Pathways introductory session: Realist evaluation

    This session of the Causal Pathways Symposium 2023, by Melanie Punton, is an introduction to Realist Evaluation, a theory-based evaluation approach based on the idea that interventions do not work for everyone, all the time.
  • Causal Pathways 2023 Symposium and 2024 introductory sessions

    This series of webinars was first presented at the Causal Pathways Symposium 2023, which focused on "connecting, learning, and building a shared understanding of the evaluation and participatory practices that make causal pathways more visible"