Engage team
Evaluations can be conducted by in-house staff (internal) or a third party (external) or a mix of both.
Advertising the Terms of Reference (ToR) / Request for Proposal (RFP) is the first step in engaging external evaluators but other important issues need to be addressed to ensure an effective and transparent selection process and to orient the selected evaluator(s).
Once the decision to use external evaluator(s) has been made, sufficient time should be allowed to engage them. Good evaluation consultants are typically busy, so provide enough lead time for them to fit potential new work into their schedules.
The following items are potential outputs from this step. Where possible, it might be useful to research other deliverables that have also been shown to be effective.
- Call for Expression of Interest (IoE)
- Evaluation proposal
- Evaluator(s) selection criteria for shortlisting
- Evaluator(s) final selection questions
- Reference check questions
- Consultant contract
- Briefing book or project documentation center
IDRC-specific information
IDRC staff should consult internal guidance from Procurement about identifying and selecting external consultants. Decisions start with whether to use a competitive process or not. This page http://intranet.idrc.ca/en/ev-94737-201-1-DO_TOPIC.html houses decision-making flow charts to determine what kind of process you should follow, as well as detailed guidance and forms. Involve Procurement early on in making these decisions and ask about the specific forms you will need to fill out if you will be using a competitive process. A lot of what you have already developed for the Terms of Reference will transfer smoothly into the required RFP form. You can contact Procurement colleagues via: purchase_achats@idrc.ca.
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