
  • Knight lab - storytelling tools

    This suite of tools is useful for creating highly interactive, beautiful representations of data.
  • Community scorecard approach for performance assessment - ProNet North's experience

    This WaterAid Ghana Briefing Paper, outlines ProNet North’s experience of using the Community Scorecard Approach to assess performance.
  • Guidance on M&E for civil society programs

    This guide from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT, formerly AusAID) is aimed at program managers who have responsibility for
  • Photolanguage

    Produced by the Change Agency, this resource gives a brief overview of the history, use and application of the photolanguage technique.
  • Ushahidi

    Ushahidi is an open-source mapping and crowdsourcing tool that can be used by organizations to collect, manage and analyse crowdsourced info.