
  • Developmental evaluation: Diagnostic checklist

    This checklist aims to help users assess whether Developmental Evaluation is a good fit for your situation.
  • Co-producing policy recommendations: Lessons from a DEGRP project in Uganda

    This report by DFID-ESRC Growth Research Programme (DEGRP) describes in detail how the researchers turned findings into recommendations, and how the various stages of stakeholder consultation influenced different elements of the projec
  • A quick primer on running online events and meetings

    Meetings and gatherings are vital components of evaluation. Often these are done face-to-face, however sometimes necessity or practicality makes meeting online the best option.
  • Institutional history

    An institutional history (IH) is a narrative that records key points about how institutional arrangements – new ways of working – have evolved over time and have created and contributed to more effective ways to achieve project or programme
  • Evaluation report checklist

    This checklist was developed by drawing upon and reflecting on The Program Evaluation Standards which were created for the Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation, 1994.  
  • Evaluation contract checklist

    This checklist is designed to help evaluators and clients identify key contractual issues that require agreement before an evaluation can commence.
  • Evaluation plans and operations checklist

    This checklist from the Evaluation Checklists Project provides a guide to those interested in conducting a preliminary, formative metaevaluation.
  • CIPP evaluation model checklist

    Stufflebeam provides an explanation of what CIPP is, and a checklist designed to help evaluators evaluate programs with relatively long-term goals.
  • Stakeholder engagement toolkit

    This toolkit, developed by the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services, provides a step-by-step guide to developing and implementing a successful stakeholder engagement plan.
  • Information request checklist

    This resource is a checklist designed to guide evaluators when starting a new project, ensuring they gather essential information to support their evaluation efforts.
  • Evaluation request for proposals (RFP) checklist

    This resource provides a checklist to ensure that your Request for Proposals (RFP) for evaluation services yields high-quality submissions.
  • Making evaluations matter: A practical guide for evaluators

    This guide, written by Cecile Kusters with Simone van Vugt, Seerp Wigboldus, Bob Williams and Jim Woodhill for the Centre for Development Innovation, presents a framework for planning and managing an evaluation with a focus o