
  • Theory of change thinking in practice - A stepwise approach

    This guide builds on work of HIVOS' experimentation with and learning about Theory of Change (ToC), including the work of its Theory of Change Learning Group (established 2010).
  • UNEG norms and standards for evaluation (2016)

    The updated 2016 UNEG Norms and Standards for Evaluation, a UNEG foundational document, is intended for application for all United Nations’ evaluations.
  • VUE

    The Visual Understanding Environment (VUE) is a concept and content mapping application developed to support teaching, learning and research.
  • Dylomo

    Dylomo is a free, web-based tool that can be used to create interactive, online logic models.
  • Logframer

    Logframer is a free project design and management application based on the logical framework approach (LFA / Logframe).
  • Illustrating models and theories of change

    Chris Lysy, of Lysy Design, (and also known as Fresh Spectrum's 'evaluation cartoonist'), recently made our day by storifying an example of a logic model Patricia Rogers had previously created for the UNICEF Impact Evaluation Series in Brie
  • Institutional history

    An institutional history (IH) is a narrative that records key points about how institutional arrangements – new ways of working – have evolved over time and have created and contributed to more effective ways to achieve project or programme
  • Revised site-visit standards: A quality-assurance framework

    Michael Quinn Patton provides a revised framework for site-visit standards to distinguish between those that provide minimal quality control and those that might ensure excellence.
  • Practical guide for engaging stakeholders in developing evaluation questions

    This guide from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation was designed to support evaluators engage their stakeholders in the evaluation process.
  • Guidance on M&E for civil society programs

    This guide from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT, formerly AusAID) is aimed at program managers who have responsibility for
  • AEA statement on cultural competence in evaluation

    "This statement of the American Evaluation Association (AEA) affirms the significance of cultural competence in evaluation. It also informs the public of AEA’s expectations concerning cultural competence in the conduct of evaluation."
  • Self-paced learning

    Viewing learning materials, such as previously recorded webinars, at your own pace.
  • Steering group

    Evaluation management often involves a steering group, which makes the decisions about the evaluation.
  • Evaluation standards for Latin America and the Caribbean

    The evaluation standards for Latin America and the Caribbean were developed by a working group of the Latin American and Caribbean Network for Monitoring, Evaluation and Systematization (ReLAC), with support from DEval’s evaluation capacity
  • Diretrizes de Avaliação para a América Latina e o Caribe

    Uma iniciativa da Rede de Monitoramento, Avaliação e Sistematização da América Latina e Caribe (ReLAC), em colaboração com DEval- FOCELAC+.
  • Estándares de Evaluación para América Latina y el Caribe

    Una iniciativa de la Red de Seguimiento, Evaluación y Sistematización de América Latina y el Caribe (ReLAC), con el apoyo de DEval- FOCELAC+.
  • Evaluation standards for Aotearoa New Zealand

    ANZEA (Aotearoa New Zealand Evaluation Association) has worked in partnership with SuPERU to develop a set of Aotearoa-specific Evaluation Standards that set out the expectations of the evaluation process, practices and products.
  • How well do we evaluate evaluation?

    Part of our commitment to better evaluation is making sure that evaluation itself is evaluated better.  Like any intervention, evaluations can be evaluated in different ways. 
  • Theory of change

    This guide, written by Patricia Rogers for UNICEF, looks at the use of theory of change in an impact evaluation.
  • Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation (JCSEE) program evaluation standards in practice

    This resource provides a practical guide for evaluators to apply the Program Evaluation Standards developed by the Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation (JCSEE)
  • BetterEvaluation FAQ: How do you use program theory for evaluating systems?

    Although it’s sometimes referred to as program theory or program logic, theories of change can be used for interventions at any scale, including policies, whole-of-government initiatives, and systems.
  • Using logic models and theories of change better in evaluation

    Many evaluations include a process of developing
  • Theory maker

    This free and open-sourced web-based tool was made by Steve Powell as a quick and simple way of creating a theory of change. The information provided was supplied by Steve Powell.