Viewing learning materials, such as previously recorded webinars, at your own pace.
The American Evaluation Association (AEA)
The AEA demonstrates a workable process for gradually developing materials that can be used for self-paced learning. Since 2010, 20 minutes ‘Coffee Break webinars” have been delivered and recordings are available to members for viewing at any time. While recordings have generally been available only to members, two series have been made available publically - the May 2013 series overview of evaluation methods with BetterEvaluation, and the July 2012 series focusing on M&E, with co-sponsors Catholic Relief Services, American Red Cross/Red Crescent, United States Agency for International Development, and AEA’s International and Cross Cultural TIG
EvalPartners has developed a series of courses in the form of recorded webinars. Participants can view the courses and complete a multiple-choice test to earn a certificate of completion. Participants can also access individual units within courses. The material has been developed and presented by an international range of evaluators.
Fixed courses:
- Equity-Focused and Gender-Responsive Evaluations
- National Evaluation Capacity Development for Country-led M&E Systems
- Emerging Practices in Development Evaluations
- Curso introductorio de evaluación para América Latina y el Caribe
- دورة تعلیمیة باللغة العربیة حول تقییم التنمیة
- курс «Введение в оценку программ и проектов социальной направленности»
- Introduction to Evaluating Humanitarian Action
- Advocating for Evaluation
Advice for choosing this method
Self-paced learning has the advantage of being available at whatever time is convenient. But it can be difficult to include any interactive learning. Doing self-paced study in combination with some peer learning, such as a book club or learning circle, or even participating in an online discussion group, would provide more opportunities for trying out ideas and getting feedback on understanding and application.
Advice for using this method
Evaluation associations and societies may want to explore what scope there is for developing or curating a library of materials to support self-learning, leveraging existing materials that are available and focusing on areas of priority.
Peersman, G. and Rogers, P. (2017). Pathways to advance professionalisation within the context of the Australasian Evaluation Society. Melbourne: ANZSOG/BetterEvaluation. Retrieved from:
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'Self-paced learning' is referenced in:
- Rainbow Framework :