
  • VUE

    The Visual Understanding Environment (VUE) is a concept and content mapping application developed to support teaching, learning and research.
  • Scapple

    Scapple is an easy-to-use tool for getting ideas down as quickly as possible and making connections between them.
  • Lucidchart

    A cloud-based flow chart maker with a number of usual features, including integration with programs like Visio. Cost: Free, but account required From the website:
  • TOCO

    Theory of change Online (TOCO) is web-based software (no download required) that you can use to design, edit and store your theory of change.
  • Dylomo

    Dylomo is a free, web-based tool that can be used to create interactive, online logic models.
  • Logframer

    Logframer is a free project design and management application based on the logical framework approach (LFA / Logframe).
  • Un-boxing evaluation through developmental and agile approaches

    Guest author Nerida Buckley discusses how un-boxing evaluation can benefit from looking at practices from developmental and agile approaches.
  • Beyond the evaluation box – Social innovation with Ingrid Burkett

    This blog is the sixth in our series about un-boxing evaluation – the theme of aes19 in Sydney.
  • Pathways to professionalisation - Part 1: Professionalisation within the context of the AES

    In part 1 of this two-part blog series, greet Peersman and Patricia Rogers introduce the ‘Pathways to advance professionalisation within the context of the AES’ project and report.
  • Pathways to professionalisation - Part 2: Options for professionalisation

    In the previous blog in this series, greet Peersman and Patricia Rogers introduced the ‘Pathways to advance professionalisation within the context of the AES’ project and report.
  • AES 2018 conference reflections: Power, values, and food

    In this guest blog, Fran Demetriou (Lirata Consulting and volunteer M&E advisor for the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre’s Mentoring Program​) shares her reflections from the recent Australasian Evaluation Society (AES)'s 2018 conference,
  • What does it mean to ‘un-box’ evaluation?

    This guest blog by Jade Maloney is the first in a series about un-boxing evaluation – the theme of aes19 in Sydney, Australia.
  • Un-boxing NGO evaluation

    This blog is the fourth in our series about un-boxing evaluation – the theme of aes19 in Sydney, Australia.
  • What would an evaluation conference look like if it was run by people who know and care about presenting information to support use? (hint - that should be us)

    All too often conferences fail to make good use of the experience and knowledge of people attending, with most time spent presenting prepared material that could be better delivered other ways, and not enough time spent on discussions and a
  • The rubric revolution

    Three linked presentations from Jane Davidson, Nan Wehipeihana & Kate McKegg explaining how rubrics can be used to ensure evaluations validly answer evaluative questions. 
  • Photolanguage

    Produced by the Change Agency, this resource gives a brief overview of the history, use and application of the photolanguage technique.
  • Miradi

    Miradi is designed to provide project teams with the essential features that they need to design, manage, monitor, and learn from their conservation projects, in other words, to practice good adaptive management.
  • Theory of change software

    There are a number of options when it comes to using software to help create a logic model.
  • Theory maker

    This free and open-sourced web-based tool was made by Steve Powell as a quick and simple way of creating a theory of change. The information provided was supplied by Steve Powell.