
  • Blue Marble Evaluation

    Blue Marble Evaluation is a global initiative focused on training the next generation of evaluators to Think Globally, Act Globally and Evaluate Globally. 
  • WISE: Web Interface for Statistics Education

    WISE's website organises a large amount of statistics resources available on the web into one central place.
  • In search of Blue Marble Evaluators

    ​You can't see the Earth as a globe unless you get at least twenty thousand miles away from it.  On December 7, 1972, the first photograph was taken of the whole Earth from space.  That photo became known
  • Center for Lobbying in the Public Interest (CLPI)

    Founded in 1998 as a project of the Independent Sector, the Center for Lobbying in the Public Interest (CLPI, now the Council for Nonprofits Everyday Advocacy) is
  • Evaluating your nonprofit's lobbyist

    This guide provides eight key activities that organisations should use to evaluate the effectiveness of their lobbyist. 
  • Stakeholder engagement toolkit

    This toolkit, developed by the Victorian Department of Health and Human Services, provides a step-by-step guide to developing and implementing a successful stakeholder engagement plan.