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We welcome your contributions, whether you'd like to suggest a resource or event, write a blog, have feedback you'd like to share or would like to be more involved in a content area.
Write a guest blog
BetterEvaluation guest posts provide new perspectives or new information about issues in evaluation. We’re particularly interested in posts that reflect on the use of specific evaluation methods in different situations and contexts, or explore the issue of which methods to use and when to use them. Read the BetterEvaluation blog guidelines for more.
Recommend a resource
We are always interested to hear about resources that might be of use to evaluators, managers, and users of evaluation. They may be guides, overviews, specific tools for using a method, or an example of how you've used a certain method. Recommend a resource.
Suggest an event
Add important evaluation events to our global calendar, using the events contribution page. Suggest an event
Add a new page or revise an existing page
Suggest a method, thematic area or evaluation approach that we don’t have on the site or share suggestions on how to improve current pages. Contact us to discuss your ideas.
Steward an area
We are looking for evaluation experts who are willing to take responsibility for a particular area of the site (e.g. a method, task, or thematic area). Stewards write pages about a particular area, review new content contributed by other members, and alert the community to new ideas, resources or events related to the specific area. Contact us to steward an area.
Share your feedback
What do you think about BetterEvaluation? We'd love to know how you use it, what you think is useful and what can be improved. Contact us to share your feedback.