This new content section is a detailed resource repository focused on understanding and strengthening national Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) systems. It contains information and resources on the core building blocks of national M&E systems.
As part of developing this content, over 700 resources related to national M&E systems have been gathered, including case studies, strategies, guidelines, and policies. These resources, collated through a process of contributions by GEI partner organisations, experts and a comprehensive web search, are being reviewed for relevance and quality by the BetterEvaluation Content Review Panel. Currently, over 100 resources are available.
This resource repository is currently in beta-mode, and content will continue to be developed ahead of its official launch in early 2024. We welcome feedback on the content via the BetterEvaluation contact form.
The content has been developed by Jozef Vaessen, Patricia Rogers, and Alice Macfarlan, with research assistance and website support from Guilherme Barretto Cunha Lima and Simon Davies and draws on the GEI's MESA Diagnostic Tool, as well as other resources curated as part of this project.
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