GEI Training and Professional Development Programs

Displaying 1 - 10 of 32

Leading Thinking Firms (LTF)

CERP | National

Objective(s): build participants’ ability to leverage data to make strategic decisions
and use iterative design to rapidly test and hone their solutions as well as provide participants with tools and skills necessary to solve their companies’ most pressing problems, harness growth opportunities and change the socio-economic and industrial landscape of Pakistan.

Monitoring And Evaluation Boot Camp

CERP | National

Objective(s): strengthen participants’ technical skills within monitoring and evaluation, qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, and project management; help participants further advance their career in the development field; provide networking opportunities to forge connections with like-minded peers.

Evidence Based Program Design

CERP | National

Objective(s): equip participants with the technical tools to apply a structured and highly practical approach to programme design and implementation, incorporating economic theory and evidence at every stage; help determine mechanisms that can help ensure that development policies and programmes in Pakistan achieve maximum impact.

Building Capacity To Use Research Evidence

CERP | National

Objective(s): investigate individual and organisational barriers to using data and evidence, and work with local collaborating organisations to systematically address these constraints in their own context.

Scope: Systematic Approaches to Policy Decisions, Cost Benefit Analysis, Descriptive Evidence, Commissioning Evidence, Aggregating Evidence, Impact Evaluations, and Using Data Systems

Innovative Leadership In The Age Of Data

CERP | National

Objective(s): teach participants how to apply a structured, data-driven approach to decision making; appreciate that data is accessible, practical, and applicable; recognize and articulate the value of grounding decisions in explicitly stated theories; understand and apply the principles of iterative design to refine and improve programmes, policies and products; and lead organisational change to build a culture of evidence-driven innovation

Scope: course content primarily focuses on the use of big data, and envisioning and leading a data-savvy organization of any kind.

Master of Evaluation

CEVAL | National

Objective(s): give interested parties the opportunity to acquire additional qualifications for scientific or professional work in this research and professional field as part of a master's degree, which offers very good professional development opportunities; prepares interested parties for the scientific processing of evaluation questions as well as for expert and advisory activities in the field of evaluation; teach core competencies needed for tasks related to quality management and organizational development.

Master (Blended Learning) of Evaluation (MABLE)

CEVAL | Global

Objective(s): teach students the knowledge and skills needed to undertake professional evaluation work as expert consultants in the in the fields of policy-making, administration and social services;
how to design and implement evaluations in an international context; the academic methodologies required to address questions and problems relating to evaluation; how to understand contract award and procurement processes and to manage evaluation projects.

Coordinator in Monitoring & Evaluation in development cooperation and humanitarian assistance

CEVAL | Global

Objective(s): train participants on how to use the concepts and methods of Evaluation of projects in the field of development cooperation (DC) and humanitarian aid (HA). More specifically, participants will learn how to write and operationalize Terms of References, conduct Evaluations, and submit reports.

- I. Evaluation (M&E) in Development Cooperation (DC) and Humanitarian Assistance (HA)
- II. Project Management
- III. Internship Institution / Organization / Company

Development Evaluation Training Programme in Africa (DETPA)

CLEAR AA | Regional

Objective(s): improve participants' understanding of key evaluation approaches and current and emerging thinking in evaluation, enabling them to reflect on how topical issues such as transformation and
indigenization of evaluation can be applied in their practice; and advance the Made-in-Africa Evaluation conversation.

Scope: topics include...
- Transformational Evaluation
- Made-in-Africa Evaluation
- Results-Based Project Management

Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation in Francophone Africa (SERAF)

CLEAR FA | Regional

Objective(s): train participants to explain results-based M&E concepts, approaches and methodologies; analyze issues related to results-based M&E in Francophone Africa; design, conduct and manage quality M&E actions useful for decision-making; identify ethical and professional issues related to results-based M&E; implement advocacy aimed at strengthening the demand for results-based M&E in Francophone Africa; and develop a network with the evaluator community in fr-speaking Africa through networking.