GEI Training and Professional Development Programs

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5

M&E residency program - Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) PhD Candidates

CLEAR LAB | National

Objective(s): provide PhD students with an opportunity to the first contact with practical M&E activities through practical learning (on-the-job training) and mentoring.

Scope: main activities and responsibilities include
- Supporting data analysis
- Supporting Evaluations;
- Supporting the preparation and facilitation of M&E training courses;
- Participating in M&E studies group;
- Participating in weekly periodic meetings with the FGV EESP CLEAR team;
- Other related activities assigned by the mentor.

EvalYouth Mentoring program

EvalYouth | Global

Objective(s): provide mentees with an opportunity to acquire knowledge, skills, and capacity for a successful evaluation career; formulate an actionable professional development plan with clear steps towards developing those skills; identify and overcome challenges, barriers, fears of developing a career in evaluation; build stronger professional networks towards the advancement of the profession; build linkages with internships and job opportunities in the field; and increase the commitment of evaluation experts who contribute to the evaluation capacity development of YEE.

M&E residency program - Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) undergraduate students

CLEAR LAB | National

Objective(s): provide undergrad students with an opportunity to the first contact with practical M&E activities through practical learning (on-the-job training) and mentoring.

Scope: main activities and responsibilities include
- Supporting data analysis
- Supporting Evaluations;
- Supporting the preparation and facilitation of M&E training courses;
- Participating in M&E studies group;
- Participating in weekly periodic meetings with the FGV EESP CLEAR team;
- Other related activities assigned by the mentor

Research for Impact Fellowship (RFI)

CLEAR SA | National

Objective(s): equip young development researchers with the theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary to design and implement randomised evaluations for assessing the effectiveness of social policies and programmes.

Stage 1 - course on the theory behind designing and implementing evaluations (proctored exam at the end of stage 1)
Stage 2 - practical training on implementing an evaluation, course on primary data collection covering a range of topics related to measurement and survey tools