GEI Training and Professional Development Programs

Displaying 1 - 10 of 11

International Initiative for Impact Evaluation (3ie) Evidence Dialogues

3ie | Global

Objective(s): bring evaluators, researchers, policymakers and programme managers together to explore the challenges and opportunities in using high-quality evidence to inform decision-making.

Scope: a range of topics related to challenges and opportunities in using high-quality evidence to inform decision-making.

Africa Evaluation Indaba

CLEAR AA | Regional

Objective(s): explore transformation in Evaluation from its historical context in relation to the Global South and how it may relate to equity and social justice, gather local and international speakers in making a contribution to the transformation discourse form a Global South perspective.

Regional Evaluation Platform Meeting

DEval | Regional

Objective(s): provide participants with a space where they can present and coordinate efforts around the main initiatives for the development of evaluation in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) EvalPartners Partnership Forum

EvalPartners | Global

Objective(s): provide a safe space for participants to freely exchange experiences, lessons, and ideas on the individual topics

- Addressing gender equality, human rights and underrepresented groups in evaluations
- Evaluating the SDGs
- Youth in Evaluation: capacity development and professionalization
- Creating synergies for stronger National Evaluation Capacities

EvalYouth Annual Evaluation Virtual Conference

EvalYouth | Global

Objective(s): provide high-quality and cost-effective opportunities for YEEs to improve their skills in evaluation.

gLOCAL Evaluation Week

GEI Global Team | Global

Objective(s): promote knowledge- and experience-sharing events on monitoring and evaluation (M&E) topics. gLOCAL seeks to bring subnational- and national-level M&E knowledge to global audiences.

- Evaluation Capacity Development
- Evaluation Communication and Use
- Evaluation Methods
- Other M&E topics

Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Evaluation Symposium

IsDB | Regional

Objective(s): promote evaluative thinking to enhance development interventions and inform decision-making processes. Furthermore, the Symposium brings together evaluation practitioners from MDBs, peer development institutions, academia, and centers of excellence to strengthen and reshape evaluation work and to forge a roadmap that facilitates progress towards the achievement of the SDGs.

National Evaluation Capacities (NEC) Conference

UNDP-IEO | Global

Objective(s): bring together government officials engaged directly and indirectly in evaluation and public policy, other actors engaged in evaluation, and partners engaged in national evaluation capacity development to share progress, lessons, innovations and experiences and perspectives in strengthening national monitoring and evaluation systems; enhance skills of those commissioning, conducting, using, and advocating for evaluation; and foster existing and new partnerships to strengthen national evaluation systems

AfDB Evaluation Week

AfDB-IDEV | Regional

Objective(s): share evidence and discuss what has worked in development, what has not, and why. AfDB Evaluation Week brings together evaluators, government policy/decision-makers, bilateral and multilateral development partners, research and academic institutions, civil society, the private sector, and the staff of the AfDB.

Scope: an international knowledge event organized biennially with a global audience by the Independent Development Evaluation (IDEV) function of the AfDB and dedicated to knowledge- and experience-sharing events on monitoring and evaluation (M&E) topics.

Asian Evaluation Week

ADB-IED | Regional

Objective(s): provide a platform for participants to exchange knowledge, share experiences, and learn about the latest innovations in evaluation.