GEI Training and Professional Development Programs

Displaying 1 - 9 of 9

Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation in Francophone Africa (SERAF)

CLEAR FA | Regional

Objective(s): train participants to explain results-based M&E concepts, approaches and methodologies; analyze issues related to results-based M&E in Francophone Africa; design, conduct and manage quality M&E actions useful for decision-making; identify ethical and professional issues related to results-based M&E; implement advocacy aimed at strengthening the demand for results-based M&E in Francophone Africa; and develop a network with the evaluator community in fr-speaking Africa through networking.

Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation in Francophone Africa -Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Sectors (SERAF-EAH)

CLEAR FA | Regional

Objective(s): train participants to explain results-based M&E concepts, approaches and methodologies; analyze results-based M&E issues in WASH sectors; design, conduct and manage quality M&E actions useful for decision-making in water, sanitation and hygiene management; identify ethical and professional issues related to results-based M&E; implement advocacy to build demand for results-based M&E in WASH sectors; and develop a network within the community of policy, program and project evaluators.

Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation in Francophone Africa in the energy sector (SERAF-Energie)

CLEAR FA | Regional

Objective(s): train participants to explain results-based M&E concepts, approaches and methodologies; analyze results-based M&E issues in the energy sector; design, conduct and manage quality M&E actions useful for decision-making; identify ethical and professional issues related to results-based M&E; implement advocacy aimed at strengthening the demand for results-based M&E; and develop a professional network within the community of policy, program and project evaluators.

Seminar on Impact Assessment in Francophone Africa (SEIMAF)

CLEAR FA | Regional

Objective(s): train participants to present the context, issues and challenges related to impact assessment in fr-speaking Africa; explain the main concepts in relation to impact evaluation as well as the methodological approach and related approaches; use the tools and techniques of the randomized controlled trial (RCT) method, the difference-in-differences method, the matching method, the instrumental variables method, the discontinuity regression method; design, conduct and manage a quality impact assessment process that is useful for decision-making; develop ethical and professional iss

Performance-Based Budgeting in Francophone Africa (BAPAF)

CLEAR FA | Regional

Objective(s): train participants to explain the innovations and requirements brought about by the reform of the program budget in the WAEMU space; explain the mechanisms for allocating budgetary appropriations as well as the budgetary principles which underlie them; prepare programming documents: program documents, DPPD and DPBEP; produce performance information: indicators, annual performance project (PAP) and annual performance report (RAP); propose possible solutions to difficulties in applying the program budget (PB); understand the new budget nomenclature; use the most appropriate meth

Evaluation based on the results of public policies (EVALPP)

CLEAR FA | Regional

Objective(s): train participants to explain the principles, issues and foundations of the evaluation of public policies; understand the concepts of public policy evaluation; plan an evaluation of public policies; collect data and their analyzes to answer the evaluation questions,
principles and issues; commissioning and managing an evaluation process the principles and issues; and promote the use of evaluation results principles and issues.

Financial and accounting aspects of the program budget (ACFBP)

CLEAR FA | Regional

Objective(s): train participants to explain the technical aspects of budget reform; present the conceptual framework of the new accounting rules introduced by the reform; describe the rules for establishing the financial statements of the States as well as the transition tables from general accounting to budget accounting; and draw up the budget nomenclature in accordance with Directive No. 08 as well as the table of financial operations of the State in accordance with Directive No. 09.

Impact evaluation in the field of agriculture and rural development

CLEAR FA | Regional

Objective(s): provide technical support for the impact evaluations of selected agriculture and rural development projects/programs.