
  • 7 ways to strengthen your M&E capacity in 2020

    Strengthening evaluation capacity of individuals, organisations and systems continues to be a major focus for BetterEvaluation so in this blog we present 7 ways that might be useful when planning how to do evaluation better in 2020.
  • Demystifying systemic thinking for evaluation in post-normal times

    When you suggest to someone that you’re interested in using systems thinking in your project, you’ll  often  hear “we tried that once…” or “I like the idea of it but I’m not really sure how I would apply it” or “I get what it
  • Take a tour of the new BetterEvaluation website

    We are thrilled to announce the launch of a major upgrade to the BetterEvaluation knowledge platform.   We have rebuilt and reshaped with our users in mind to provide: 