
  • RQ+ Research Quality Plus. A Holistic Approach to Evaluating Research

    This report describes a holistic approach and assessment framework for evaluating 'research' that goes beyond the traditional deliberative means (e.g., peer review) and often used analytics (e.g., bibliometrics).
  • Transcribe

    Transcribe is a very useful tool if you need to transcribe a small amount of data and don't have access to some of the more professional, downloadable transcription software packages.
  • Action and reflection: a guide for monitoring and evaluating participatory research

    This paper from the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) was designed to support those involved in participatory research and development projects with monitoring and evaluation strat
  • Week 34: Alternatives to transcribing interviews

    Being able to compare alternatives is essential when designing an evaluation.
  • Developing a research agenda for impact evaluation

    Impact evaluation, like many areas of evaluation, is under-researched. Doing systematic research about evaluation takes considerable resources, and is often constrained by the availability of information about evaluation practice.
  • Six Thinking Hats

    This webpage from De Bono Consulting provides an overview of the six thinking hats and includes a range of free resources including guides and videos.
  • Assessing the impact of research on policy

    The authors of this review analyse various evaluation methods (including ethnographic and quantitative approaches, focus groups, process tracing, and network mapping and analysis) to find out which ones are the most suitable to evaluate the
  • Interviews

    Interviews are conversations between an investigator (interviewer) and a respondent (‘interviewees’, ‘informants’ or ‘sources’) in which questions are asked in order to obtain information.
  • In-depth interviews

    An in-depth interview is a type of interview with an individual that aims to collect detailed information beyond initial and surface-level answers.
  • Six thinking hats

    The Six Thinking Hats method encourages participants to cycle through six different ways of thinking, using the metaphor of wearing different conceptual “hats”.
  • Monitoring the composition and evolution of the research networks of the CGIAR research program on roots, tubers and bananas (RTB)

    This Brief provides an example of how Social Network Analysis (SNA) can be used, in the context of agricultural research.