
  • Appreciative inquiry commons

    This website from is an online portal which aims to facilitate the sharing of academic resources and practical tools on Appreciative Inquiry (AI)
  • Using appreciative inquiry in evaluation practice

    These Powerpoint slides are from a workshop by Hallie Preskill at the 2007 Summer Institute of the American Evaluation Association and the Centers for Disease Control. The workshop is intended to help participants to:
  • Logframe

    Logframes are a systematic, visual approach to designing, executing and assessing projects which encourages users to consider the relationships between available resources, planned activities, and desired changes or results.
  • Distinct occupational category

    A distinct occupational category or role title recognised at a national or organisational level.
  • Appreciative Inquiry: An approach for learning and change based on our own best practices

    This brief outlines appreciative inquiry principles, methods, domains, and a recent example of its use.
  • A summary of the theory behind the LFA method

    This paper from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) has been designed to support staff in implementing the logical framework approach in project planning and design.