
  • Consulting on the “Big 5” evaluation criteria - What got us here? [x-post from the IEG's #WhatWorks blog]

    In this post, Caroline Heider (Director General and Senior Vice President, Evaluation, World Bank Group) reflects on the motivations behind her 2017 Rethinking Evaluation blog series.
  • Six Thinking Hats

    This webpage from De Bono Consulting provides an overview of the six thinking hats and includes a range of free resources including guides and videos.
  • Assessing the impact of research on policy

    The authors of this review analyse various evaluation methods (including ethnographic and quantitative approaches, focus groups, process tracing, and network mapping and analysis) to find out which ones are the most suitable to evaluate the
  • Six thinking hats

    The Six Thinking Hats method encourages participants to cycle through six different ways of thinking, using the metaphor of wearing different conceptual “hats”.
  • Best practices compendium on outcome budgeting

    This resource from the Development Monitoring and Evaluation Office, Government of India, is designed to assist government entities in shifting from input and output-focused budgeting to an outcomes-oriented approach.