
  • Fishbone diagram (cause and effect diagram)

    This short guide describes the process of using a fishbone diagram to help uncover and visualise stakeholder perceptions of the root causes of a problem. It is often used in conjunction with the 'Five Whys' technique.
  • WISE: Web Interface for Statistics Education

    WISE's website organises a large amount of statistics resources available on the web into one central place.
  • Comparative Hypothesis Testing Via Process Tracing

    This article by by Ingo Rohlfing argues that the understanding of the doubly decisive test is misleading and that it lumps together the criteria of uniqueness and contradiction.Extract Abstract
  • The Five Whys Technique

    This paper from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) outlines the process of using the Five Whys technique as an effective approach to problem solving.
  • What about administrative data?

    In this guest blog, Kerry McCarthy discusses some of the options for finding administrative data sets for use in evaluation.
  • Five Whys

    The Five Whys is an easy question asking option that examines the cause-and-effect relationships that underly problems.
  • Big data

    Big data refers to data that are so large and complex that traditional methods of collection and analysis are not possible. 