
  • Positioning participation on the power spectrum

    In the second blog in the 4-part series about participation in evaluation, Irene Guijt and Leslie Groves focus on making power relationships and values in 'participatory' evaluation processes explicit to avoid tokenistic part
  • Institutional history

    An institutional history (IH) is a narrative that records key points about how institutional arrangements – new ways of working – have evolved over time and have created and contributed to more effective ways to achieve project or programme
  • Process and implementation evaluations: A primer

    In this working paper for the Center for International Development at Harvard University, Patricia Rogers and Michael Woolcock argue that implementation and process evaluations serve the vital purpose of jointly promoting accountability and
  • Practical guide for engaging stakeholders in developing evaluation questions

    This guide from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation was designed to support evaluators engage their stakeholders in the evaluation process.
  • Developing process evaluation questions

    This concise guide by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines evaluation questions and outlines the process needed to develop them. 