
  • Program Evaluation: a Plain English Guide

    This 11-step guide defines program evaluation, what it is used for, the different types and when they should be used. Also covered is how to plan a program evaluation, monitor performance, communicate findings, deliver&n
  • When the best is the enemy of the good: The Nature of Research Evidence Used in Systematic Reviews and Guidelines

    This paper, written by Marcel P. J .M.
  • OED guidance note on evaluation syntheses

    This document from the FAO Office of Evaluation provides guidance for evaluators to plan, formulate and conduct evaluation syntheses. This resource and the following information was contributed by Renata Mirulla.
  • Demonstrating outcomes and impact across different scales

    This research report from the Research for Development Impact Network demonstrates how evidence of outcomes and impact can be better captured, integrated and reported on across different scales of work for Australian NGOs working in interna
  • Demonstrating outcomes and impact across different scales

    In this guest blog, Jo Hall discusses how evidence of outcomes and impact can be better captured, integrated and reported on across different scales of work.
  • Mentoring

    Mentoring is a process where people are able to share their professional and personal experiences in order to support their development and growth in all spheres of life.
  • Mentoring matters

    This Primary Health Care Research & Information Service webpage provides an overview of the importance and benefits of a good mentoring program.
  • Mentoring made easy

    This guide from the NSW Premier's Office outlines the process and advantages of setting up a formal mentoring program in the workplace.
  • Mentoring for the new millennium

    This article outlines the rationale behind mentoring and argues that developing a formal mentoring program will lead to the development of a learning organisation.
  • Theory of change software

    There are a number of options when it comes to using software to help create a logic model.