
  • What about administrative data?

    In this guest blog, Kerry McCarthy discusses some of the options for finding administrative data sets for use in evaluation.
  • Guidance on M&E for civil society programs

    This guide from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT, formerly AusAID) is aimed at program managers who have responsibility for
  • Using sensemaker to understand girls' education in Ethiopia

    This paper is one of two documents submitted by Becca Smith related to the use of the SenseMaker approach to evaluate attitudes towards girls’ education among pastoralist communities in the Afar region of Ethiopia.
  • Using SenseMaker in child-centred research

    This paper is one of two documents submitted by Becca Smith related to the use of the SenseMaker approach to evaluate attitudes towards girls’ education in Ethiopia.
  • Big data

    Big data refers to data that are so large and complex that traditional methods of collection and analysis are not possible. 