
  • Essential tools to track your social media data

    This infographic by Infographic World identifies the key data to be measured and specific tools and applications for tracking different social media profiles.
  • Theory of change thinking in practice - A stepwise approach

    This guide builds on work of HIVOS' experimentation with and learning about Theory of Change (ToC), including the work of its Theory of Change Learning Group (established 2010).
  • The hidden life of theories of change

    One common criticism of Theory of Change is that it is often used as a framework that fixes agreements rather than as a living, guiding tool that helps reflection and adaptation.
  • Canva

    Canva is a very simple, free to use, online infographic creation platform. It has a drag and drop interface and a range of templates that you can adapt.
  • Do labor market policies have displacement effects? Evidence from a clustered randomized experiment

    This resource reports the results from a randomized experiment intended to evaluation the direct and indirect (displacement) impacts of job placement assistance on the labor market outcomes of young, educated job seekers in France.
  • Week 16: Infographics to make your evaluation results go viral

    Continuing our season of blogs on presenting evaluation findings in ways that will get them read (and hopefully used), Joitske Hulsebosch, an independent consultant, contributes her ideas on how to present your findings in the for
  • Infographics

    An infographic (short for 'information graphic') represents data visually so that the information is able to be quickly and easily understood.