
  • Actionable impact management - eBook series

    This series, published by SoPact, the Melbourne Business School & Asia Pacific Social Impact Centre, covers four topics: Theory of Change and Groundwork, Social Impact Metrics, Data Strategy, Reports and Storytelling.
  • Knight lab - storytelling tools

    This suite of tools is useful for creating highly interactive, beautiful representations of data.
  • Canva

    Canva is a very simple, free to use, online infographic creation platform. It has a drag and drop interface and a range of templates that you can adapt.
  • Managing for impact in rural development, a guide for project M&E, section 2: Using M&E to manage for impact

    This resource published by IFAD discusses how monitoring and evaluation can be used to manage projects to maximise their impact, in this case on poverty reduction.
  • Expert advice

    Expert advice provides advice in response to specific queries. It might include a process to clarify and reframe the question that is being asked.