
  • Australian Government performance story report

    This is an example of collaborative outcomes reporting (COR) used for a natural resource management program in South Australia.
  • 52 weeks of BetterEvaluation: Week 37: Collaborative Outcomes Reporting

    Collaborative Outcomes Reporting (COR) is an approach to impact evaluation that combines elements of several rigorous non-experimental methods and strategies.
  • Dylomo

    Dylomo is a free, web-based tool that can be used to create interactive, online logic models.
  • Geospatial analysis in evaluation

    This blog from the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) highlights the role of geospatial data in understanding change in phenomena, and answering questions of relevance and effectiveness of development interventions.
  • The geodata decision tree: Using geodata for evaluations

    This policy brief from DEval provides an overview of using a geodata decision tree to help guide the use of geographical data (geodata) in evaluations.
  • Enhancing program performance with logic models

    Developed by the University of Wisconsin Extension service, this resource provides an introduction to developing and using a particular version of the results chain.
  • W.K. Kellogg Foundation logic model guide

    The W.K. Kellogg Foundation Logic Model Guide shows how to develop a results chain model.
  • Collaborative outcome reporting technique (CORT)

    This resource is a concise overview of the method developed by Dr Jess Dart, known as the Collaborative Outcome Reporting Technique (CORT).  The method is characterised by two elements:
  • Theory maker

    This free and open-sourced web-based tool was made by Steve Powell as a quick and simple way of creating a theory of change. The information provided was supplied by Steve Powell.
  • Geographic information system (GIS) mapping

    Geographic information system (GIS) mapping will typically display one data variable or indicator, often using colour coding to indicate the density, frequency, or percentage in a given region, allowing quick comparison between regions