
  • Positioning participation on the power spectrum

    In the second blog in the 4-part series about participation in evaluation, Irene Guijt and Leslie Groves focus on making power relationships and values in 'participatory' evaluation processes explicit to avoid tokenistic part
  • Scaffolding new methods

    We have all been there. You dive into a new book or head to a conference/workshop/course and come out all fired up about a new evaluation method. But when you get back to the real world, applying it turns out to be harder than you thought! What next?
  • Appreciative inquiry commons

    This website from is an online portal which aims to facilitate the sharing of academic resources and practical tools on Appreciative Inquiry (AI)
  • Using appreciative inquiry in evaluation practice

    These Powerpoint slides are from a workshop by Hallie Preskill at the 2007 Summer Institute of the American Evaluation Association and the Centers for Disease Control. The workshop is intended to help participants to:
  • Appreciative Inquiry: An approach for learning and change based on our own best practices

    This brief outlines appreciative inquiry principles, methods, domains, and a recent example of its use.