
  • The value iceberg: weighing the benefits of advocacy and campaigning

    BetterEvaluation Discussion Paper 1 is a thought piece written by Rhonda Schlangen and Jim Coe (independent consultants), members of the BetterEvaluation Community, and is intended to promote discussion.
  • Actionable impact management - eBook series

    This series, published by SoPact, the Melbourne Business School & Asia Pacific Social Impact Centre, covers four topics: Theory of Change and Groundwork, Social Impact Metrics, Data Strategy, Reports and Storytelling.
  • A cultural protocol for evaluation

    This resource explores important dimensions of cultural competency in evaluation. It focuses on cross-cultural understanding and culturally-appropriate attitudes and approaches.
  • Week 48: The value iceberg

    Efforts to measure, quantify and compare the 'value' of different interventions have become popular as a way for social change organisations to decide how to use their time and money.
  • Incorporating people's values in development: Weighting alternatives

    Timely information about people’s desires could improve policy-makers’ ability to allocate resources to maximum effect and monitor interventions and outcomes.