
  • Evaluation questions checklist for program evaluation

    Created by Lori Wingate and Daniala Schroeter, the purpose of this checklist is to aid in developing effective and appropriate evaluation questions and in assessing the quality of existing questions.
  • CDC: Checklist to help focus your evaluation

    This checklist, created by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), helps you to assess potential evaluation questions in terms of their relevance, feasibility, fit with the values, nature and t
  • Integrating environment into evaluations [video]

    This Evaluation Practice Exchange Seminar was organized by the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) in cooperation with the Footprint Evaluation project of BetterEvaluation and the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI).
  • AES 2018 conference reflections: Power, values, and food

    In this guest blog, Fran Demetriou (Lirata Consulting and volunteer M&E advisor for the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre’s Mentoring Program​) shares her reflections from the recent Australasian Evaluation Society (AES)'s 2018 conference,